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Possible Effects of the Warehouses

Loading Semitrucks
Aerial View of Distribution Center
Man on His Bike
Image by Matt Boitor

990 truck  

trips per day 

1,631,172 sq ft of warehouse space

2,846 total vehicle trips per day

Diesel Particulate Matter

Current exposure:  294 lb/year

Forecast exposure:  619 lb/year

City Council Approves Ordinance for the ZSPA at the November 6, 2023, City Council Meeting

The City Council approves ZSPA Ordinance changes to prohibit uses within the Stone Creek neighborhood. The Ordinance went into effect December 6, 2023.


Stone Creek residents are facing warehouses on multiple properties within a residential area on one street, where the initial ‘under the shadow of Covid’ warehouse is operational. 


  • Currently four additional sites being considered for a total of eight more buildings. 

  • If all are approved, a total of nine warehouses will exist on five pieces of property. 

  • Three potential properties with four buildings will join the initial, completed warehouse on a single two-lane road, eight tenths of a mile long. Five warehouses all with single street access and egress. 

  • Over one million square feet of truck traffic from five warehouses, with only two potential freeway access routes, adjacent to a soccer and softball park and a block away or across the street from an elementary school.  

  • The largest remaining property, 44 acres, is located across the Zinfandel intersection and is across the street from homes.  Closest home: 300 feet away. 

  • All access and egress will be in one of three driveways on Zinfandel.  Only one will be regulated by a five sequenced traffic signal. Baroque will only have emergency access driveway.

  • The four warehouses on this site will add another 602,000 square feet of truck traffic.  Bringing the total to 1.6 million square feet within the Stone Creek warehouse corridor.


Please click a RED DOT to see the developers project plans.

Pending Projects_edited.jpg
Navigator Elementary
Bold Beauty

Stone Creek Warehouse Complex
1.6 Million sq ft of Warehouses

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