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When information about the intrusion of a warehouse corridor permeated the streets of Stone Creek like a slow poisonous cloud, residents began to gather and plan an appeal.  We are a group from different walks of life, generations and ages, economic status, etc. but are joined in unity to complete the long, tedious, frustrating but crucial effort to stop the city and the developers from decimating our quality of life, the air we breathe, our health, sleep and peace of mind, property values and safety on the roads, bike path and sidewalks. We are determined to preserve the life we invested in when we purchased our homes in Stone Creek from Elliott Homes.  


Join us!  It is never too late to join the fight! There is strength in numbers.  And please support the legal battle ahead.  The only way to dismantle the run around game of city government and developers is with a court hearing and a judge.  

Please contribute what you can, when you can!


Legal Update

"This is a case about an intimidation campaign waged by a land use developer, and a city council's decision to acquiesce to the developer's threats rather than to protect the health and the wellbeing of its residents."  from our petition filed with the court.

Your City Council caved into the developer threats instead of protecting you!

Throughout this fight, we have been amazed at the outpouring of our neighbors.  Your commitment to the health of all residents, protection of property values, concern for the impacts of 360 per day truck trips on Zinfandel Drive and overall well-being of all our residents is awe inspiring.

We appreciate that you may be disheartened because our requests were not supported by the City Council actions.  

We expected that might happen, and purposefully involved our attorneys to guide our actions in a manner to build this case for a legal challenge if necessary.

We now need your continued financial support more than ever.  We have excellent legal and technical resources on our team.  They are mindful that we do not have ‘deep pockets’ like the developer, and they have adjusted their rates in that regard. We must continue to compensate them. Your financial contributions are needed to get us over this essential goal line.  

Every dollar helps.    

Fundraising must accelerate, as we finally have the opportunity to make our case before an independent judge. Importantly, we strongly encourage you to not let up now, as we approach this critical opportunity to protect our neighborhood and its residents.

Our lawsuit does request court costs and legal fees. We look forward to being in a position to reimburse your contributions, when we prevail. 


Thank you for your support, and tenacity as we continue our fight to preserve our health and neighborhood.



Stone Creek Residents for Smart Growth

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